The Snackable Era

Have you noticed how our attention span has become shorter and shorter these days? With excess information available to us, it’s no wonder that people are turning to snack-able & short-form content, consumed quickly and easily.
One app that has completely taken over the snack-able content space is TikTok. Who hasn't heard of TikTok, right? Since its launch in 2016, it has become one of the most downloaded apps in the world & over a billion monthly active users. What sets TikTok apart from other social media platforms is its unique algorithm that serves users with a never-ending stream of content that matches their interests. If we're being honest, who doesn’t love scrolling through endless short videos that are creative and funny?TikTok has not only disrupted the traditional media industry, but it has also democratised content creation. Anyone with a smartphone can become a content creator and share their videos with the world. This has resulted in a diverse range of user-generated content that is engaging and entertaining.
It’s interesting to see how TikTok’s success has influenced other social media platforms, with Instagram launching its own short-form video feature called Reels and Snapchat introducing its version, Spotlight.
In conclusion, snack-able content is the way of the future, and TikTok has played a significant role in its rise to popularity. Whether you’re scrolling through their videos or watching short-form content on other platforms, one thing is for sure - we all love a bit of snack-able content!

it’s almst 2024!


Paced Out